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What you perceive through the senses is an illusion which you're programmed to perceive as reality. 🥀

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About Me

I am a full stack web developer with a passion for creating interactive and responsive web applications. I have experience working with JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, HTML, CSS, and Git. I am a quick learner and I am always looking to expand my knowledge and skill set. I am a team player and I am excited to work with others to create amazing applications.


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This channel is made to provide Shreemad Bhagwad Gita holy book teachings.

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“What you perceive through the senses is an illusion which you're programmed to perceive as reality. 🥀”

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“What you perceive through the senses is an illusion which you're programmed to perceive as reality. 🥀”